Terms and conditions

Welcome to our dance classes and events. To keep our classes and events pleasurable and accessible to everyone we set up a few rules.


  • Joining dance classes and events organized by Dancenjoy VZW (0702786279) and their teachers means that the terms and conditions are known and accepted.
  • Visitors (students, participants and guests) should follow the rules during their stay in and around the dance room.
  • In the classes and events we aim to create a relaxed, enjoyable and safe atmosphere for everyone. Everyone is expected to cooperate to this by among other things respecting our “Dance floor rules”. Disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated and can result in direct and permanent exclusion from all classes and events organized by Dancenjoy VZW. The teachers of Dancenjoy VZW have the final decision right in case of non-agreement with a participant or student.
  • Your participation to the classes or events is only valid after registration and full payment.
  • Try to keep the dance floor clean. Dirty shoes or shoes that can leave black traces are not allowed. Dance shoes, dance sneakers or socks are recommended.
  • Consumption of alcohol, smoking or the use of drugs is strictly forbidden. Furthermore, when being under influence of drugs or alcohol, your access to Dancenjoy classes and events is prohibited.
  • Teachers have the right to prohibit access of any participant to the dance classes or events without assignment of reason.
  • Joining the classes or events equals accepting and respecting the applicable health regulations.


  • In case of event suspension because of force majeure, the event will be organized at a later moment and your ticket will be moved to the event on the new date. When organizing the event at a later moment is not possible, your subscription will be refunded.
  • Subscription to events is not refundable, but you are allowed to transfer your pass to a new person of the same dance role till 3 days before the start of the event. Every pass transfer has to be communicated to and confirmed by Dancenjoy VZW. An administration fee of €10 will be charged for a pass transfer. The difference in price between the moment of purchase and the moment of transfer can be charged. 
    Dancenjoy may deviate from this rule, accept cancellation and provide a refund, in which case a cancellation fee of 25% will be deducted.

Regular classes

  • You can repeat a previously completed class at half price in combination with your current full paid class if the class is not yet full, the balance will not be disturbed and after agreement of the teachers. At full price, you can enter any previous class at in the role you want with the same priority as new students.
  • In case of strong imbalance of a group, the last subscriptions of leaders or followers may be moved to a waiting list. In case no balance could be achieved. Dancenjoy VZW has the right to cancel you subscription. A full refund will be provided in this case.
  • More experienced dancers might be asked to help out in another class to balance the class. It’s up to the teachers to decide who can take this role.
  • Use of video or sound devices (photo, video, tape, etc.) in and around the class are only allowed after permission of the teachers. This permission can be ended directly without assignment of reason.
  • Dancenjoy VZW has the right to cancel classes or events and shift the planning forward. Any cancelled class will be made up and Dancenjoy VZW will do all possible effort to organize the catch-up class on the same day as the original class. In case catch-up classes cannot be organized, a refund will be provided.
  • In case of class suspension because of force majeure, your subscription is paused till the classes resume again.
  • Zero waste policy, take any packaging and rests from food and drinks back home as leaving them in the garbage in the venue can attract pests.
  • Subscription to dance classes is not refundable. In case of serious sickness proven by medical certificate (period of more than 3 weeks), your subscription can be paused.


  • Loss or damage of properties of the dance school or venue caused by a visitor will always be charged.
  • Joining the dance activities is at own risk. Dancenjoy VZW and their teachers are not responsible for loss, harm and injuries from every kind as a consequence of participating to activities organised by Dancenjoy VZW or their teachers.
  • Only the subscription fee of regular students (students subscribing for a series of 10 regular classes or more) includes insurance for physical accidents by Danspunt VZW. The conditions of the insurance can be found on danspunt.be. In case of an accident or injury, you need to inform your teachers as fast as possible. Accidents reported later than 12 hours after the class are not covered by the insurance.
  • Each person is responsible for their property. During the class, event or party, Dancenjoy VZW and their teachers are not responsible for any loss or damage to personal properties.
  • Photos or videos made during classes and events can be used for promotional purpose. If you don’t agree, you need to inform the organisation explicitly in advance.

 We wish you a pleasant stay at our activities!