Our events take place in the Arena Van Vletingen, Lange Violettestraat 277A, 9000 Gent. You need to enter the building by the side entrance which can be found at 15 m to the right of Lange Violettestraat 277.
After entering the door pointed on the photo, go to the right to find the main hall where the classes are taking place.

Parking possibilities:
- Parking in surrounding streets, paying till 23h on Saturday and free on Sunday, limited spaces in general, Stad Gent parking fees (inside low emission zone).
- Underground Parking Gent Zuid at 7 min walk, paying but almost always space, interparking parking fee (outside low emission zone).
- Parking underneath the highway exit at 9 min walk, paying till 23h on Saturday and free on Sunday, Stad Gent parking fees (outside low emission zone)
- Parking in the streets outside the city ring at min 10 walking, paying till 19h on Saturday and free on Sunday, Stad Gent parking fees (outside low emission zone).