New Year’s Zouk Marathon Ghent, Belgium | 2023-2024

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

To guarantee a good balance ONLY LEADER AND COUPLE PASSES available at the moment! To book a couple pass, add a leader and a follower pass to the cart before […]

FREE try-out | Brazilian Zouk – Everyone welcome!

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

Register below the event description to get your free ticket 😉 Join us, have fun, meet awesome people, learn to dance and discover for yourself why people all over the […]


Zouk Social with try-out | 17 February

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

Program: ▸ 18h45 - 19h00: Registration ▸ 19h00 - 20h00: Free try-out ▸ 20h00: Zouk social With fingerfood sharing. Everyone is welcome to bring something to share and cocreate a […]


Zouk Social Ghent – 16 Mars

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

Program: ▸ 18h45 - 19h00: Registration ▸ 19h00 - 20h00: Open level workshop Zouk with Bojana (BE) & Lukáš (CZ) ▸ 20h00: Zouk social With fingerfood sharing. Everyone is welcome […]

Zouk weekender with Kris & Klaudia (PL) – SoulZouk

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

We’re thrilled to have the amazing Kris & Klaudia from Poland one weekend with us in Ghent! 🤩 💃🕺 🥰 Check their videos & get inspired by their dancing! ❔ […]

€15,00 – €120,00

Zouk Social Ghent – 18 May

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

Program subject to change. Will be updated closer to the event. Program: ▸ 18h45 - 19h00: Registration ▸ 19h00 - 20h00: Open level workshop Zouk ▸ 20h00: Zouk social With […]

Zouk weekend with Ilse (NL) | Summer edition party | Léa’s birthday!

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

We’re thrilled for having the amazing Ilse from the Netherlands in Ghent! Ilse is known for her great dance technique flavored by inspiring and refreshing creativity and musicality. Especially for […]

€15,00 – €50,00

Zouk dancing @ Gentse Feesten

Yes, we're back at the Gentse Feesten to spread the joy of Zouk dancing!Join us, have fun, meet awesome people, learn to dance and discover for yourself why people all […]

FREE try-out | Brazilian Zouk – Everyone welcome!

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

Register below the event description to get your free ticket 😉 Join us, have fun, meet awesome people, learn to dance and discover for yourself why people all over the […]


Zouk Flow weekend with Ashe & Elias (US)

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

We’re thrilled to have the incredible internationally renowned instructors Ashe & Elias from the US in Ghent! This dynamic duo is famous in the world of dance and movement arts […]

€40,00 – €125,00

Zouk social Ghent | 26 October

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

Program: ▸ 19h45 - 20h00: Registration ▸ 20h00 - 21h00: Fun open level Zouk workshop. Beginners friendly! ▸ 21h00: Zouk social With fingerfood sharing. Everyone is welcome to bring something […]

Headmovement intensive with Julinha

Arena Van Vletingen Lange Violettestraat 277A, Gent, Belgium

Headmovement intensive with the amazing Julinha from Germany! Improve your headmovements technique with international teacher Julinha (Julia Kristin Johann), the queen of technique from Germany. Julinha is very unique by […]

€30,00 – €80,00